Kaspian Varma
I created the NMRL because I wanted to see an open-wheel single-seat motor racing league that allowed drivers from all backgrounds with skills to have an equal opportunity to compete in a national-level racing league without any barriers to entry.
NMRL is leveling the playing field; it’s about competition in its purest form. All the cars are the same; no one has an advantage. The only advantage is the raw skills of the driver.
I didn’t want money to hold back talent that could be shared with the world. Racing professionally requires a lot of money, and the majority of people with potential will never get that chance.
As the famous NFL saying goes, “On any given Sunday, anyone can win,” and so with NMRL’s fair and equal competition, anyone can enter, provided they have the skills to qualify, without a financial barrier. This will give talented drivers a chance to compete in a professional and high-profile competition without hindrance and focus strictly on racing.
People enjoy sports because they display a spectacle of conflict, drama, challenge, emotions, resolution, and victory, just like in life. Sports unites people.
The NMRL was born in Texas. Bred in Texas. By Texans.
For Texans and all Americans!